Chettinad Style Pork Keema Spice Recipe #389

IMG 9829

The Chettinad region in South India is famous for its unique culture and rich use of spices. This recipe is based on Chettinad spice usage with some adaptations. It can also be deliciously made with mutton mince or mixed mince. Personally, I would love for you to try making it with wild boar meat as well. If possible, please add plenty of curry leaves when cooking. Replacing onions with shallots will make it even more Chettinad-style.


Ground pork500g
Onion (sliced) (for masala paste)1
Garlic (for masala paste)3 cloves
Ginger (3 cm cube) (for masala paste)2 pieces
Water for paste200ml
Oil (for masala paste)3 Tablespoons
Oil3 Tablespoons
Onion (roughly chopped)1
Grated Garlic and Ginger1 Tablespoon Each
Salt1.5 Teaspoons
Tomatoes (Diced)1
Coriander (roughly chopped)1 bunch
ブラックペッパー(ホール)1 Teaspoon
フェンネル(ホール)1 Teaspoon
クローブ(ホール)3 pieces
カルダモン(ホール)1 piece
カシア(ホール)4 cm
ポピーシード1 Tablespoon
カレーリーフ30 leaves
ターメリック(パウダー)1 Teaspoon
コリアンダー(パウダー)2 Tablespoons
カシミリチリ(パウダー)1 Teaspoon



Add oil to a heated pan and fry the masala paste ingredients and Spice A. When the onions turn slightly brown, transfer to a tray to cool, then blend with water for paste in a mixer to make a paste.

Heat oil in the same pan and fry the roughly chopped onions until caramelized.

Add grated garlic and ginger, heat, then add Spice B and salt. Fry and then add the ground meat. Once the meat is cooked, add the masala paste, tomatoes, and coriander. Mix, cover, and simmer on low heat for 10 minutes.


Serve on a plate and it's ready! Please give it a try!
